Reach into the shadows of your opponent's hand and covertly seize a card of your choosing, making it your own.
Can be used on the opponents hand.

With a wave of dark power, exile any card from your opponent's hand to the graveyard.
Can be used on the opponents hand.

Extend your hand into the depths of your deck and draw an additional card.
Can be used on your card stack.

Remove a card from the board, sending it to the graveyard with a decisive stroke.
Can be used on one of the opponents cards on the board.

Delve into your deck and enrich your reserves by extracting an extra berry.
Can be used on the take berry button.

Break a chosen card on your board free from its shackles.
Can be used on one of your cards on the board.

Unleash a wave of restorative magic to mend your wounds and boost your health.
Can be used on your avatar.

Channel life-giving energies to a card of your choice, increasing its health.
Can be used on one of your cards on the board.

With the cunning of a master thief, pilfer a berry from your opponent's stockpile.
Can be used on the opponents avatar.

Summon the echoes of the past and revive the last card that met its demise, bringing it back from your graveyard.
Can be used on your avatar.

Cast unbreakable chains of magic to immobilize an opponent's card for a full round.
Can be used on one of the opponents cards on the board.

Bestow a surge of battle fury onto a card of your choosing, sharpening its attack.
Can be used on one of your cards on the board.